Encouraging young people to know Christ more deeply
Join us at Club 3:16!
We would love for you to join us this fall for our 2024/25 season of youth club for the local youth of Deroche!
Camp Swag!
Camp Swag is now available throughout the year! Check out what's in stock and contact us to order.
Spring Work Bee
Saturday April 26th 2025
There are tasks for all ages! Coffee and lunch provided.
What's new?
Check out our latest newsletter to stay up to date on what's happening at camp, what's going on behind the scenes, and ways you can get involved!
Learn about
the Gospel. -
Develop skills &
relationships. -
Have fun
We Offer Financial Assistance!
In an effort to make camp accessible to all youth, our camp fees are about half of what it actually costs for a camper to come to camp. We also offer sponsorships to families that are unable to afford the registration fees!
If this is you, we would encourage you to make use of our sponsorship program! Simply go through the registration process as normal and select the "Financial Assistance" option and follow the prompts. Our admin team will reach out to you after that!
Why Stepping Stones?
We exist to encourage young people to know Christ more deeply.
We invite young people who face troubles, pressure and temptations to a week-long place of rest on our mountainside property in Deroche, BC, where they can be awed by God as He is revealed through nature, through the Bible and through relationships with Christians.
Send your kids!
Mark your calendars, clear your schedule and sign them up! We see youth leave camp with an extra spring in their step, spiritually renewed and ready to step up in their homes and communities.
Come to camp for a week! We are always looking for help in our kitchen fueling our hungry staff, counsellors and camps. Or come as a counsellor and serve as a small group leader! Whatever way you get involved, we know you're going to love it!
Apply as Staff!
Camp Director, Head Counsellor, Programs Director, Nurse, Chaplain, Kitchen Director. This an incredible opportunity to step up into a leadership role and actively live your faith in an upbuilding and encouraging environment!
Help at the property!
There's always work to be done! Have a spare afternoon? Reach out! Our property managers love the helping hands and always have a pot of coffee on.
Please keep Stepping Stones in your prayers. There is work happening year round to get Summer Camp running. Pray that the Lord may provide the volunteers we need, for His blessing over the planning, for spiritual growth and that many youth may be brought to know Christ more deeply.
Our camper fees are offset by nearly 50% to allow families to afford to send their kids to camp. Our goal is to make camp accessible to all youth. Even $50/month can send one camper to camp. Will you support our mission?
"I love the sounds of camp the most. There's the laughter and squeals of fun during the games and activities, the splashes of the pool, and the clanging of dishes being served and cleaned. There's also the crackle of a fire or the flapping of coloured streamers being blown by a fan as camp gathers around for an evening of fun. There's the birdsong heard in the quiet moments of the morning, or during QTD's, and there's sniffling tears while our Saviour meets us in our struggles and low valleys. There's the crunching sound of gravel as campers enter into the chapel, hushed whispers before bed in the cabins, and thunderous roars at mealtimes in the Lookout. Finally there's the sound of voices and instruments blending together to sing praises to our Heavenly Father. While we witness creation singing the Father's song, we get to sing songs to our Father among His beautiful creation. Yes, it's the sounds of camp I love most, and that in all of them, we worship."